Message from the President
Including this customer to a gift for your support of our factories, distribution, and other agencies and mind thank you very much.
Now more than 40 years does not change our stance. In addition to the supply of "food safety and peace of mind" with a single product, always challenging, new initiatives and service improvements and will strive to further one step ahead from your companies proposal.
Would like to thank to our future kind of further continuous co-operation.
Now more than 40 years does not change our stance. In addition to the supply of "food safety and peace of mind" with a single product, always challenging, new initiatives and service improvements and will strive to further one step ahead from your companies proposal.
Would like to thank to our future kind of further continuous co-operation.
Company Profile

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Company history
Daiei group

About privacy policy
Daiei co., Ltd.(Collectively, our)As a business operator handling personal information you provide your personal information to comply with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information and other standards, and establish voluntary rules, established the personal information protection policy as follows and will implement this. Also, regarding this content, strive to improve continuously.
1.Collection of personal information
When we collect personal information and purpose of use clearly is getting your consent in advance.
2.Use of personal information, to third parties
We will use only within the scope of the purposes for use of personal information stated in advance. Also, please do not be disclosed to third parties unless received the consent of the donor or if you have a good reason, to provide.
3.Implementation of safety measures
We are giving the proper safety precautions regarding personal information, and strive to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, leakage, etc..
4.Management of personal information
Company puts managers in departments that handle personal information, and strive to properly manage according to this policy.
5.Low protection laws and regulations
We will strive to continuously improve our internal regulations, business, company and comply with privacy laws and other regulations and guidelines.
6.Respect for the rights
We are if there are requests from the person in question, such as the suspension of provision to the parties offering personal information, correction, deletion and third-party disclosure will respond within a reasonable range.